Maybe you feel surprised when you see your baby's scalp looks like there is dandruff. No need to worry, what you see is head crust which is common in newborns. Although not dangerous, but this condition still needs to be treated. Head crust or cradle cap is a general term for seborrheic dermatitis in medical terms. Laymen know him by the term dandruff which is common in children and adults. Marked Oily Scales The crust of the head is characterized by the appearance of layers resembling scales which are oily and yellow in color, especially on the baby's scalp. This condition can also occur around the ears, eyebrows, baby's eyelids, or in the armpits and other body folds. The cause of the appearance of head crust is not known with certainty. However, this is not caused due to poor hygiene or allergies. Head crust may be caused by hormones that the baby receives from the mother at the end of pregnancy, which stimulates many baby oil-producing glands (sebaceous). Irritat...