Maybe you feel surprised when you see your baby's scalp looks like there is dandruff. No need to worry, what you see is head crust which is common in newborns. Although not dangerous, but this condition still needs to be treated.
Head crust or cradle cap is a general term for seborrheic dermatitis in medical terms. Laymen know him by the term dandruff which is common in children and adults.
Marked Oily Scales
The crust of the head is characterized by the appearance of layers resembling scales which are oily and yellow in color, especially on the baby's scalp. This condition can also occur around the ears, eyebrows, baby's eyelids, or in the armpits and other body folds. The cause of the appearance of head crust is not known with certainty. However, this is not caused due to poor hygiene or allergies. Head crust may be caused by hormones that the baby receives from the mother at the end of pregnancy, which stimulates many baby oil-producing glands (sebaceous). Irritation due to fungus that grows on sebum is also considered a cause of the appearance of head crust. Generally the head crust can disappear without treatment within a few weeks or several months. In some children, this condition can last up to 2-3 years old. Although not contagious and not painful or cause itching, thick head crust may be difficult to remove from the baby's scalp.Tips for Overcoming the Baby's Head Crust
To help reduce the buildup of crust on the scalp, here's what you can do for your little one:- Gently rub the scalp using your fingers or cloth to shed the crust. But, don't scratch his scalp. Wash your baby's hair using baby shampoo with a mild formulation. You can also use a special shampoo crust that is sold freely at pharmacies. Always read the usage instructions before using it.
- If the crust does not go away, the doctor can give a special recommendation of dandruff shampoo containing antifungal drugs such as ketoconazole, but its use must be adjusted. It is not recommended to use dandruff shampoo containing salicylic acid in infants because it can be absorbed through the skin. Also make sure the shampoo does not enter the baby's eyes, to avoid irritation.
- When using shampoo, clean the crust of the head attached to the hair using a small comb with a soft brush, then rinse with water. As an alternative, you can try giving petroleoum jelly or a few drops of mineral oil on the scalp. Leave it to sink in for a few minutes, or a few hours if necessary. Then comb, then clean and wash your little one as usual. Do not leave the oil too long in your baby's hair because it will worsen the crust of his head.
- After the crust is gone, keep your little one's hair clean by shampooing regularly every few days to prevent crust buildup.
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